Europeana is a single access point to millions of books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout Europe. It is an authoritative source of information coming from European cultural and scientific institutions. (Europeana)
Ever wanted to know exactly what masterpieces were in your local gallery? Or find out about a particular artist? Or composer? Writer? Even a building! Maybe you're intrigued by television or film from the past century. Or maybe you just have a few minutes to spare and would like to know more about Europe's rich cultural tradition.
Europeana has a wealth of treasures from cultural institutions all across Europe and indeed beyond. Last count there were over 30 million objects detailed, but this is increasing all the time. The very number of objects stored makes navigating its collections and finding specific art works sometimes very difficult. Let's Go Europeana is an attempt to help make sense of that treasure trove. It tries to offer alternative routes into this huge collection - by country, by provider, by map, by years or via the standard search; to augment the data with more information such as artist biographies and related content from other sites; and to visualise the data in new and exciting ways. Check it out at: