data visualisation

New Site Explores World War 1 Postcards from across Europe

Return to Sender

Return to Sender, a project funded by Europeana and developed in collaboration with the University of Coventry and Solent University, aims to explore WW1 postcards in the Europeana 1914-1918 collection and the collections of contributing archives from across Europe.

The Migrant Letter Digitised: Visualising Metadata

An article by Emma Moreton and me, The Migrant Letter Digitised: Visualising Metadata, has just been published in the Journal of Cultural Analytics

Among other things, it discusses the ups and downs of using letters to study 19th Century emigrants to the USA in a time before walls even became an issue.

Visualizing Hemingway: A Man in Letters

"ErnestHemingway" by Lloyd Arnold - Licensed under Public Domain via Commons -

The John F. Kennedy Library have just published my blog post on how data visualisation can illuminate the life of Ernest Hemingway.  Using data from the Library's incredibly detailed finding aid, I have collated correspondence from over 50 years of the author's life and used my website Visual Correspondence to visualise the results.  You can read the blog post here: